Entire Scottish Whisky Distillery Ships To China


  • entire whisky distillery ships out to China
  • the equipment destined for China was built by specialist firm Forsyths
  • the £3m deal between Mengtai Group and Valentine was signed two years ago

An entire whisky distillery is being shipped out from Scotland to China on Friday. More than 35 tonnes of equipment, including stills, flooring, control valves, and pipework, is leaving Buckie in Moray for the port of Tianjin says an article on BBC.

Assembled in Inner Mongolia

The equipment will be assembled at a facility being built in Inner Mongolia. The shipment is part of a £3m “design and builds” deal signed between Forfar firm Valentine International and China’s Mengtai Group in 2019.

First whisky distillery

The facility in the Ordos will become Inner Mongolia’s first whisky distillery when it opens, probably at the end of this year. All of the distillery equipment was built by Rothes-based firm Forsyths, which is sending a team of five engineers to supervise assembly. Forsyths have a team in Hong Kong to provide after-sales backup and services.

World-beating project

Valentine International chairman and managing director David Valentine, who specializes in establishing commercial ventures in China, said: “Scotland is the home of whisky and has the greatest expertise in terms of distillery equipment manufacture, which is why Mr. Fengting believes we will deliver a world-beating project for him in the Ordos.”

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Source: BBC