Every Spill Matters!


RSC Bio Solutions: Looking Out for the Environment, Looking Out for your Business


RSC Bio Solutions, a global leader in environmentally acceptable lubricants and cleaners, is launching a public service campaign, Every Spill Matters.

Though the best maintenance practices and safety protocols are strictly in place, the fact is that vehicles will leak, drips will develop, hoses will fail and tanks will rupture.  Small land-based spills are not currently being monitored or penalized by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Because Every Spill Matters.  Even the smallest ones.

With this message, RSC Bio Solutions is hoping to change the way businesses and the public thinking of spills, even small ones.

‘The Every Spill Matters’ campaign aims to raise awareness about the effects of petroleum-based pollution on the environment and human health.  Petroleum spills cause many detrimental effects, including:

  • Severe health problems resulting from contact or inhalation;
  • Crop contamination from soil leaching;
  • Disruption of recreational and promotional activities;
  • Diminished property values and negative community economic impact.

Step in progress

  • As the original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) are convinced of the business benefits and improved safety and sustainability, they have begun factory-filling their hydraulic systems with Environmentally Acceptable Lubricants (EALs).
  • Although they are not required to use EALs, many equipment fleet owners have also become early adopters as result of mounting corporate and market sustainability pressures and a desire to get ahead of coming land-based spill regulations.  More choose this option each day, bolstered by the success and return on investment experienced by these early adopters.

So, ‘Every Spill Matters’, ‘Every Second Counts’ and ‘Every Company Can Make a Difference’.

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Source: RSC Bio Solutions