Exploring the Unfathomed Depths of Ocean – Live


Ocean Networks Canada(ONC), an initiative of the University of Victoria has opened an new era in exploring the ocean abyss.


ONC is  poised to reveal the rare undersea portals LIVE with the help of one exploration vessel E/V Nautilus and research vessel R/V Thompson.  Both these vessels will provide the real time streams of the ocean bed andwill measure the underwater landslides. These vessels are also outfitted with microphones for whale detection, tsunami meter  for better prediction of flooding  and sensing elements to asses the change in off-shore gas hydrates due to global warming.  The team onboard these vessels will also map the seafloor for oceanographical purposes.


ONC is now on three-week expedition around the salish sea and thriving towards a master plan that span over a wide variety of seafloor environments from rocky coast to submarine canyons and across an abyssal plain to the hydrothermal vents at Endeavour, 300 kilometres off the west coast of Canada.

Source: Ocean Networks Canada