Explosions Aboard Chinese Freighter Kills 1


On May 16, a cargo vessel suffered an explosion onboard the vessel near Wanshan Archipelago, south of Hong Kong.

What happened?

The cargo ship ‘Chuang Sheng Hai’ loaded with cement suffered an explosion onboard its vessel when it traversing through the waters to the west of Dangazhen, Wanshan Archipelago, south of Hong Kong.

Based on initial investigation it has been discovered that the explosion occurred in engine room and spread around the superstructure.

One killed

There were twelve crew members onboard the vessel when the explosion occurred and unfortunately one person was killed in the explosion.

Second explosion reported

A five member emergency team was dispatched to the ship while a second explosion occurred in the gas tank. The emergency team were able to salvage the vessel and an investigation has been initiated.

Disclaimer: The above image is for representation of the below incident and need not be considered as an actual case image.

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Source: Fleetmon