ExxonMobil Puts $100 Million in Fuel Research


  • DOE National Labs Partner with ExxonMobil for $100 Million in Joint Research in a ten-year agreement.
  • The agreement will foster research collaboration on scalable technologies that improve energy efficiency, minimize greenhouse gas emissions, and reduce emissions.
  • They will explore ways to bring biofuels and carbon capture and storage to commercial scale across the power generation, transportation, and manufacturing sectors.
  • The company has spent more than $9 billion since 2000 developing and deploying lower-emissions energy solutions.

According to an article by the Department of Energy, a ten-year agreement between National Renewable Energy Laboratory, National Energy Technology Laboratory, and ExxonMobil will bring lower-emissions tech.

Joint research agreement

On May 8, the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) announced a joint research agreement with ExxonMobil. Over ten years, ExxonMobil will invest up to $100 million in the two DOE Laboratories to advance lower-emissions energy technologies that could be brought to commercial scale.

This agreement is one of the largest public-private partnerships between DOE laboratories and the private sector and exemplifies DOE’s commitment to cross-cutting, result-driven research initiatives.

Concentration on scalable technologies

The agreement will foster research collaboration on projects that will advance potential scalable technologies that improve energy efficiency, minimize greenhouse gas emissions, and reduce emissions from the production of fossil fuels and petrochemicals.

Over the past two years, this Administration has proven we can simultaneously grow our economy while helping our environment,” said Under Secretary of Energy Mark W. Menezes. “Today’s announcement reinforces the Department’s commitment to invest in public-private partnerships that maximize R&D and, ultimately, deploy innovative, economical, and lower-emission technologies from DOE’s National Labs.

Environment-conscious research

Through the innovations coming out of DOE’s National Laboratories and the private sector, America is proving we can grow our economy while being environmentally responsible and reducing emissions,” said Steve Winberg, DOE Assistant Secretary for Fossil Energy. “An all-of-the-above energy strategy and public-private partnerships are key to continued progress.

For nearly two decades, the U.S. has reduced more energy-related carbon dioxide emissions than any other nation on Earth,” said Daniel Simmons, DOE Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. “Public-private partnerships like this one will ensure a more efficient, cleaner, and prosperous future for energy technologies.”

Solutions to address climate change

Finding meaningful solutions to address climate change is going to take everyone – governments, companies, and academia – working together,” said Vijay Swarup, vice president of research and development at ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Company. “This agreement will help us advance fundamental science and demonstrate scale. This is critical because it will give us a better understanding of how to progress technologies so they can be applied globally.”

Biofuels and carbon capture

Initial work between ExxonMobil and the national laboratories will explore ways to bring biofuels and carbon capture and storage to commercial scale across the power generation, transportation, and manufacturing sectors.

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory is excited to work with ExxonMobil to develop scalable energy solutions for the future and facilitate research partnerships across the national lab system,” said Martin Keller, director at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory.

Our partnerships with industry, government, academia and other research organizations drive the collaboration and innovation that is integral to revolutionizing the global energy landscape. By working side-by-side with ExxonMobil researchers, this partnership provides an unprecedented opportunity to explore new technologies and transform energy through science.”

Innovative lower-emissions research programs

This collaboration is a recent addition to a series of partnerships ExxonMobil has established for innovative lower-emissions research programs. The company has spent more than $9 billion since 2000 developing and deploying lower-emissions energy solutions.

This opportunity targets research challenges and the development of technology central to our mission and our capabilities,” said Brian Anderson, director at the National Energy Technology Laboratory. “We’re bringing incredible research capability, enhanced by ExxonMobil’s industry expertise and ability to scale-up new technologies globally, which will ultimately benefit consumers in the near term, while also enhancing our nation’s prosperity and energy security.

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Source: Energy.gov