[FAQ] What To Do During a Pirate Attack?


Pirates and hijackers have threatened the seas as long as there have been seafarers and ocean-going merchants.

Piracy and hijacking is no less of a threat in the modern day, and although the means and methods of piracy have evolved with the times, maritime organisations receive regular warnings to remain cautious and vigilant, especially in piracy-sensitive regions.

How Common Are Ship Attacks?

According to market data portal Statista, in 2020, there were 195 pirate attacks worldwide. This was an increase on the previous year when there were 162 attacks.

The most dangerous areas for piracy worldwide are in seas near Indonesia and Malaysia and off the East coast of northern Africa in the Indian Ocean, parallel to Somalia. 

The peak of pirate attacks on shipping came in 2010, when 445 incidents were recorded. This prompted shipping companies to invest in specialist security expertise and led to governments relaxing laws on arming security officers. 

How Can Ships Protect Themselves From Hijacking?

The law change meant maritime security firms could place armed guards, known as privately contracted armed security personnel (PCASP), on vessels in the most at-risk areas of pirate attacks. 

Shipping companies today invest considerable sums of money in piracy prevention. Along with placing armed experts on ships to defend crews and loads should an attack begin, they aim to reduce the risks of getting into difficulties long before an attack can get underway. 

James Hilton, CEO of Protection Vessels International (PVI), explained that although ship attacks are back in the news “the dynamic is not changing” for international piracy in international waters. He said:

What Happens During An Attack?

United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO) describe the stages of an attack by pirates. The process they describe is:

  1. The Approach

“Effective lookouts may aid in identifying the nature of the attack, the threat profile of a piracy or other attack may initially look similar and it will not be until the attackers are close that the nature of the attack becomes apparent.” UKTMO.

Ships being approached by attackers are advised to move to full speed, if not already doing so, and to steer a straight course to help maintain that maximum speed. 

The ship’s emergency procedures should be initiated, included the ship’s emergency communication plan. The emergency alarm should be sounded, a mayday call via VHF radio made and a distress message sent via the Digital Selective Calling system.

In addition, all external doors, interior cabins and rooms should be secured with crew members not required on the bridge mustered at the pre-determined muster point or citadel. 

  1. The Attack

Privately contracted armed security personnel (PCASP) would have already begun their operation to defend the ship and its crew from the attackers. While that is happening, UKTMO advises the following steps:

  • Confirm the crew are at the muster point or citadel.
  • Report the attack immediately to UKMTO.
  • Commence minor alterations of the helm to deter skiffs from laying alongside for a boarding attempt.
  1. The Boarding

If the ship is boarded by pirates or attackers, the ship’s engines should be stopped. The remaining crew members should be moved to the muster point or citadel. At this stage, the PCASP will follow the procedures agreed beforehand with the shipping company and Master. 

UKMTO advises that, at this point, the Master should place himself with the crew at the muster point/citadel, and communications with the shipping company and UKMTO themselves should be attempted from there. The crew is advised to remain in the citadel until “conditions force you to leave or advised by the military.”

UKMTO say that “if any member of the crew is captured it should be considered that the pirates have full control of the ship.”

UKTMO’s Advice For Crews When A Ship Is Hijacked

UKTMO’s advice on how crew members should conduct themselves should a successful hijacking occur is focused on the end goal of people surviving the ordeal. Their advice is:

  • Remain calm and maintain self-control.
  • Be humble and respectful to the pirates. 
  • Look out for your colleagues’ well-being. 
  • Stay together as a team, where possible. 
  • Accept the new pirate leadership.
  • Maintain the hierarchy of rank.
  • Try to establish normal communication with the pirates.
  • Maintain personal hygiene.
  • Save water and essentials.
  • Be positive – many people are working on releasing you.
  • Be patient and maintain routines (including your spiritual needs, as permitted by pirates).
  • Try to keep your breathing regular.
  • Meditate and stay mentally active.
  • Respect religion: yours, your colleagues’, and the pirates.’
  • UKTMO’s advice includes some frank DO NOT matters, too, such as offering resistance, arguing with pirates, taking photographs of the attackers, drinking alcohol and bargaining with captors for personal privileges.

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Source: forces.net