[FAQ] Why is Hold Preparation & Cleaning Important?


Hold preparation is probably the most vital part of bulk carrier operations. So, UK P&I Club issued FAQs focused on hold preparation and cleanliness of bulk carrier operations.

Why Is Hold Preparation and Cleanliness Important?

If it is not undertaken properly, it can result in substantial cargo claims, delays, additional cleaning, survey costs and expensive off-hire disputes. So, it’s important.

What Is The Potential Reasons for Failing Hold Inspections?

Reasons for failing hold inspection are excessive rust and paint flaking; previous cargo residues; odours and/or taint from paint or chemicals, infestation or wetness.

How To Prepare The Hold?

When preparing the holds, the Master should consider the following points which are not exhaustive of:

  1. To review carefully the voyage instructions and Charterparty. The Master should clarify if there are any discrepancies in the cleanliness requirement between the Charterparty and Voyage Instructions.
  2. Ensure sufficient equipment on board such as Chemicals and applicators, Hoses, brooms, extendable poles and scrapers,Mucking winch and waste drums.
  3. Most bulk carriers these days should have a Combi Gun, which is capable of reaching the upper parts of the cargo compartments with sufficient pressure to remove resides and any loose rust and/or paint.
  4. Time required between ports for hold cleaning ,weather on voyage, crew Hours or Rest Regulations
  5. Consideration of and MARPOL regulations with regards to wash water and cargo residues.
  6. It is essential to maintain good records and photographic reports on hold cleaning/maintenance operations.
  7. In the event of cargo claims good records/logs will assist Owners in showing due diligence.

How Many Types Of Cleaning Are Done Depending On The Cargo?

Clean cargoes such as Soda Ash or Mineral Sands could potentially be damaged by any form of contamination. These normally require the compartments to be ‘hospital clean’ before loading.

Cargoes such as grains, fertilisers and cement are normally deemed ‘moderately clean to moderately dirty cargoes’ and typically require the hold to be at a ‘grain clean’ standard of cleanliness.

Dirty cargoes such as Bauxite or some types of coal are unlikely to be contaminated by any small amounts of rust or paint from the steel structures within the holds, although it is very important to check the exact cleanliness requirement.

What Is A ‘Hospital Clean Standard of Cleanliness?

For a ‘hospital clean’ standard of cleanliness, there should be no rust, no loose rust, no loose paint flakes and no previous cargo residues. This strict cleanliness is usually only achievable by vessels that only trade clean cargoes.

What Is A ‘Grain Clean’ Standard of Cleanliness?

A stowage area must comply with the standards of fitness established herein to be considered clean; dry free of infestation, rodents, toxic substances and foreign odours.

Rust And Paint Scale

A stowage area must not contain more than 25 square feet of loose rust scale or paint scale in a single area or more than 100 square feet of loose rust scale or paint scale in aggregate. Generally hard adhering rust is acceptable for a ‘grain clean’ standard.

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Source: ukpandi.com


  1. Hold preparation cleaning is important because it ensures that the aircraft’s hold is clean and free of any debris or contaminants before loading cargo or passengers. This helps to prevent potential hazards or accidents, such as fires or contamination of the cargo or passengers. It also helps to maintain the safety and integrity of the aircraft, as well as the reputation of the airline or cargo company. In addition, hold preparation cleaning is often required by regulatory agencies and can be inspected during routine maintenance checks. No wonder that such an important piece of work is usually delegated to professionals. Actually even regular cleaning at home is also very often delegated to a professional because it provides a bunch of advantages. Have a look at https://www.emop.co.uk to find out what I am talking about.

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