Fire on Container Ship Off Jakarta


“Kuala Mas” caught fire aboard on Apr 27, 2018, at 07.55 a.m. near Pulau Norwana island in the Thousand Islands regency, shortly after leaving the port Jakarta, in pos. 05 ° 59.37 S 106 ° 52.31 E.

Rescue operation

The 18 crew members were evacuated. Seven ships were deployed to put out the fire and rescue the crew. The Jakarta Search and Rescue Agency, finished checking the data of all of the crew and they were transported to Tanjung Priok Port in North Jakarta.

The following crew members were rescued from the fire site: Asep Iskandar (Master), M. Sahrir (Chief Officer), Givanni Tafukude (2nd Officer), Parlindungan Situmorang (3rd Officer), Firdaus (Chief Engineer), Herry Sefrianus Samalao (2nd Engineer), Desy Kurniawan (4th Engineer), Teofisius (Boatswain), Kasmari (Foreman), Roynold Situmorang (AB1), Toyat Banjarnahor (AB2), Herry Sunandar (AB3), Deky Adithyanto (Oiler I), Defriandi Pusung (Oiler II), Torang Maktumbur Sidabutar (Oiler III), De Rendy Bayu Asmara (Cook), Dicky Julianto (MessBoy), Robby Forman Sigalingging (4th Engineer).

Fire goes down

The fire in the superstructure was brought under control by 10.30 a.m. by the SAR ships “Jakarta” and “Ditpolair Polda Metro”. The ship was bound for Malahayati, Banda Aceh, ETA Apr 30, with 45 containers on board.

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Source: CNN Indonesia