First Damen Shrimp Trawler 2607 Completes Sea Trials


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The first Damen Shrimp Trawler 2607 has successfully concluded sea trials in the UAE waters. This is a huge success that further cements the position of Damen’s series of next-generation shrimp trawlers. The vessel was built at Albwardy Damen with an explicit goal: simplicity, efficiency, and minimum maintenance demand it specifically serves tropical and subtropical shrimp fishing, reports Damen.

Fuel Efficiency and Low Emissions

This fuel-saving vessel was designed based on the large market. Damen is a shipyard famous for designing high-pull vessels using low-power propulsion; in this vessel, the organization has applied CFD technology to integrate efficiency in fuel consumption. Features that have emerged from this innovation include a greater propeller diameter, a nozzle with a high catch capacity, and an ader and skeg streamlined rud to reduce fuel consumption in the vessel.

“Before we began with the construction of this vessel, we undertook a considerable amount of research to ensure optimal fuel efficiency while securing the power necessary for trawling operations,” said Pieter Louwe van Slooten, Sales Manager at Damen Maaskant.

Impressive Fuel Savings Achieved During Trials

The vessel exceeded expectations during sea trials, achieving fuel savings of between 20% and 25% compared to similar vessels on the market. This efficiency substantially reduces operating costs and emissions, enhancing the vessel’s operational expense (OPEX) benefits.

“The effects were visible during sea trials when the vessel surpassed our expectations. Compared to similar vessels currently operating in the market, the Shrimp Trawler demonstrated fuel savings of between 20 and 25% – representing a significant reduction in operating costs. This is the result of the great efforts and commitment of the team behind the vessel, who can be justifiably proud of a job well done,” said van Slooten.

User-friendly design and Low maintenance

Damen’s design for the Shrimp Trawler 2607 prioritizes simplicity and user-friendliness, allowing for reliable and straightforward operation with minimal maintenance. Despite its simplicity, the vessel includes advanced shrimp freezing and storage facilities to ensure a high-quality catch.

Design Improvements for Enhanced Performance

Several design changes set this vessel apart from its predecessors. Damen positioned the engine room aft of the fish hold, shortening the propulsion line and preventing the shaft from passing under the hold. This adjustment improves the vessel’s trim under varying loading conditions. The shrimp processing and freezing areas are now positioned directly above the fish hold entrance, simplifying logistics.

Safety and Crew Comfort

 Damen also gives priority to a safe and comfortable working environment. Shrimp Trawler 2607’s robustbuilding with perfect quality ensures safety and comfort to the crew members on board for a pretty long time period.

“The sturdiness of the vessel was also very clear to see during the trials. Ensuring safety onboard our vessels is one of the main priorities for Damen. The Shrimp Trawler also applies a lot of high quality, modern furniture and components to ensure comfort – after all, people working on the vessel are going to be spending weeks at a time on board,” van Slooten added.

Flexible Design for Diverse Fishing Operations

The Shrimp Trawler 2607’s design allows for operation in tropical and subtropical environments and accommodates various fishing methods beyond shrimp trawling. Damen’s standard series construction ensures quick delivery, with the first trawler ready for client-specific adaptations within a few months.

“Our philosophy is the construction of proven, standard vessels for stock, offering our clients rapid access to a reliable solution. Following the successful conclusion of sea trials, the vessel can be ready for delivery, following client-specific adaptations, within a few months,” said van Slooten.

Global Accessibility

Damen’s global shipbuilding philosophy allows the Shrimp Trawler 2607 to be constructed at Damen yards worldwide or through Damen Technical Cooperation (DTC) at non-Damen yards. This approach supports sustainable shipbuilding industries internationally, expanding access to Damen’s vessels.

“As well as our international network of shipyards, we can also support the construction of vessels such as the Shrimp Trawler 2607 at non-Damen yards via the Damen Technical Cooperation (DTC). With this successful initiative, we not only widen access to our vessel but help to build sustainable shipbuilding industries around the world,” van Slooten emphasized.

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Source: Damen