First ever Conversion To Dual-Fuel LNG Propulsion



German shipowner Reederei Wessels has announced the  world’s first conversion of a containership to dual-fuel LNG propulsion.  The refit will be carried out next year on its 1,036 teu, 10,585gt feeder Wes Amelie.

The Berlin Government is providing the essential financial support to promote not only emission reductions but also the development of an efficient LNG infrastructure in Germany.  The conversion will take place at a German shipyard by next April and be completed in 30 days with ship operation starting early December 2016.

Though installing a scrubber will be more economical than the development cost, the engineering scalability of Wes Amelie made it the right choice for conversion.

Wes Amelie is one of 23 in the fleet  of which 16 are structurally identical and have conversion-capable 8L48/60 B MAN engines.  The Wes Amelie pilot project will immensely benefit other operators who have 82 ships with the same engines.

The two-year collaboration of Wessels with MAN Diesel & Turbo and gas specialist TGE Marine Gas Engineering has resulted in the refit.  MAN will provide the engineering and components.  TGE will supply the tank and LNG peripherals linking tank and engine.  The unnamed German yard will carry out the steel and pipe work on the ship.

Source: Teknisk Ukeblad