First Integrated Maritime IoT System on Active Working Vessel Installed



According to a recently published IoT Tech News article, KVH and Kongsberg claim success with installing maritime IoT system on active working vessel.

Joint maritime IoT system 

KVH Industries and Kongsberg Digital have successfully installed their first joint maritime IoT system on the latter’s active working vessel, Simrad Echo.

Pilot maritime IoT project

Despite the newly fitted system, which includes a KVH Watch VSAT antenna for IoT connectivity and the Kognifai Vessel Insight platform, the Simrad Echo would continue its normal operations during the pilot maritime IoT project. 

Integrated infrastructure

Both KVH Watch and Kognifai Vessel Insight would be providing an integrated infrastructure for IoT connectivity and vessel-to-shore data.

Transfer of data from ship to cloud

Vigleik Takle, Kongsberg Digital’s senior vice president of maritime digital solutions, said: “While Vessel Insight works as an infrastructure for accessing contextualised quality data from a vessel or fleet, KVH is providing an alternative for IoT connectivity that enables the transfer of data from ship to cloud. We are very happy to be able to offer this as a connectivity option to our users.”

Lubricant condition monitoring system

Opportunities for emerging technologies in shipping, from the Internet of Things to blockchain, are abundant. In May, Dubai’s Topaz Energy and Marine signed a long-term contract with Baker Hughes to deploy the latter’s lubricant condition monitoring system, VitalyX, to enhance the maintenance and field time of every vessel in Topaz’s fleet. 

VitalyX system working

The VitalyX system, which is a mix of IoT and latest sensors with condition monitoring software, generates real-time data that will provide Topaz with crucial tech-related information on the vessels’ condition.

Port and logistics axis Méditerranée-Rhône-Saône (MeRS)

In March, the Marseille-Fos Port in France partook in a blockchain project was supported by the Interministerial Delegation for the development of the port and logistics axis Méditerranée-Rhône-Saône (MeRS). 

The pilot project, which involved transport of freight on the MeRS axis transport corridor, tested security of the digital transport chain to improve fluidity, safety, and competitiveness of the chain logistics and intermodal freight forwarding on the Rhône/Saône axis.

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Source: IoT Tech News