Freighter Ran Aground after Hot Pursuit with Coast Guard


Freighter Eniz ran aground in Dardanelles after hot pursuit with Coast Guard


The coastal freighter Eniz ran aground in Dardanelles near Eceabat Akbas Port in Turkey, after hot pursuit with coast guard.

The accident happened after the freighter tried to flee from the Coast Guard, which ordered routine check of the vessel due to suspicious course.  The crew did not responded to the order and headed to the shore, intentionally grounding on the coast near Turkish port Eceabat Akbas.  The Coast Guard and local police department boarded the freighter Eniz and found a lot of illegal immigrants on the main deck.  All the crew were arrested for human trafficking, while the immigrants will be transferred to the migrant camps.

The investigation for the root cause of the accident is under way.  The criminal case was started against the captain of the coastal freighter and the whole crew, who were suspected for human trafficking.

During the accident there were no injured people and no water pollution.  The freighter suffered damages during grounding, but did not suffered water ingress.  The salvage will be considered by the local authorities at further stage.  The vessel probably will be confiscated by the authorities.

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Source: Karar