Fuel Accounting Software By Rosmorport Saves 200 Million Rubles



Russian state enterprise, Moscow based Rosmorport provides facilities inspection and weighing of goods for vessel transportation and also for motor vehicle transportation.  Since 2013, the company has been engaged in developing a software for accounting consumption of  fuels and lubricants and also to observe the life of essential mechanisms of the company’s icebreaking fleet.  The architecture, data layout and interworking with other systems were designed and tested during a pilot project in 2014.  Six vessels from North-Western Basin, Astrakhan and Arkhangelsk Branches were involved in the pilot testing of the system.

IT division and fleet operation department found the results quite promising and all of “Rosmorport” vessels were duly integrated with the accounting system.  The accounting system is wholly web-based technologies and was designed with the help of ASP.NET.  The credit for developing the system goes entirely to Rosmorport resources and no outside parties were engaged for the development aspect.

This software provides the company with the power to control fuels and lubricants consumption plus, track and identify technical and operational characteristics of the mechanisms.  The reporting system enables consolidated data to be reviewed for each of the Company’s vessels.  It is estimated that this system brings in a saving of nearly 200 million rubles each year.