Did Fujairah Bunker Fuel Quality Really Improve?


Did Fujairah Bunker Fuel Quality Really Improve?


Reports and News claim that there has been a significant improvement in the fuel quality from Fujairah.  This fuel quality improvement is attributed to the fuel oil inflow from Iran.  Fujairah saw around 600,000 mt of Iran fuel oil flow into their pool over February-March period, immediately after sanctions were lifted, and that volume is expected to stabilize around 300,000 mt/month in the next few months, trade sources/Platts said.

What Parameters lead to Fuel Quality Improvement?

There could be some improvement observed in various parameters which fall under ISO 8217 specifications. Other minor quality improvements could have resulted as the straight-run fuel from Iran has been used to blend with fuel oil cargoes to meet the ISO specifications.

The below attempt is to alert Ship Managers/Superintendents over the recent fuel problems where the ships suffered severe damage after lifting bunkers at Fujairah. Though not all fuels being bunkered at Fujairah are bad, but the below incident has occurred within a span of one week, which is definitely a cause of concern.

 “Did Fujairah Bunker Fuel Quality Really Improve?”

Viswa Lab has whispered some information to us regarding Fujairah bunker fuel quality. MFAME specifically asked them about an update on Machinery problems using Fujairah bunkers. Though most fuels meet ISO specifications, that alone does not mean that the fuel is fit for use.

Internal sources of Viswa Lab say that engineers are working on three ships with severe fuel problems, that has been reported to them, which has links to the above fuel.  Viswa Lab is also currently involved in finding a solution to those fuel problems.  All the three ships which suffered severe fuel pump damage in both diesel generators and main engine – bunkered at Fujairah.  Mfame has requested Viswa Lab to throw more light on the findings after successfully mitigating the fuel problem.

Viswa Lab’s CIO – Mr. Ganesh hinted that the one of the three ships suffering the fuel problem is not under Viswa Lab’s regular testing services, inspite of that they have approached Viswa Lab to mitigate the fuel problem.  “This clearly vindicates Viswa Labs core objective as a Problem Solving Lab”, says Mr. Ganesh.

We recommend the ship managers and technical superintendents to watch out for fuel related problems if their vessels has bunkered fuel from Fujairah and contact Viswa Lab if they experience any fuel related problem since then.

We will try to get more information from Viswa Lab and publish it for the safety and benefit of seafarers and ship managers.

Write to – fps@viswalab.com or experts@mfame.guru

Happy and Peaceful Sailings!


Viswa Lab – Fuel Problem Support team

Trade sources – Platts/Hellenic Shipping News

Disclaimer: This update is published with a special interest to alert the ship operators on specific fuel/machinery problems. MFAME is not responsible for the accuracy/validity of data or information provided here and the reference sources are clearly specified.