MPA Announces Requirements With Immediate Effect for Crew Changes


Crew change in Singapore-port authority implements full Personal Protective Equipment requirement, says an article published in BIMCO website.

MPA PPE announcement

The Singapore Maritime Port Authority announced full personal protective equipment required with immediate effect, for personnel facilitating crew changes in Singapore.

Further to “ Singapore Shipping Association urges the industry to comply with COVID-19 Protocols”  and “ Crew change in Singapore – Port authority implements sea launch transfer“, the Singapore Maritime Port Authority announced further, another measure as follows, to be of immediate effect today:

Safeguard against the spread

Required personal protective equipment for personnel facilitating crew change

To further safeguard the Singapore local community against the spread of COVID-19 from ‘outside’, service providers and personnel that facilitate crew change in Singapore shall meet the minimum level of personal protective equipment (PPE) as prescribed below:

  • Meet-and-greet staff shall don surgical mask and gloves when escorting crew at the airport.
  • Land transport drivers shall don full PPE (surgical mask, gloves, gown) when transporting crew between the airport and vessel.
  • Launch boat operators shall down full PPE (surgical mask, gloves, gown) when transporting crew between the pier and vessel.

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Source: BIMCO