Lesson Learned: Gangway Incident Highlights Safety Gaps in Vessel Operations


  • A vessel gangway detached due to tidal movement and procedural failures, causing injuries to five lashers.
  • Key issues included faded hazard markings, improper PPE use, and lack of gangway supervision.
  • Recommendations focus on clearer hazard markings, regular checks, and ensuring adherence to safety procedures.

A serious incident occurred when the gangway of a container vessel detached from the quayside, resulting in injuries to five lashers. This incident highlights critical lapses in safety procedures and equipment maintenance, emphasizing the need for enhanced operational vigilance, reports MSF.

Incident Overview

The gangway detached and dropped 2-3 meters, causing five lashers to fall, with one falling into the water.

Four lashers suffered over seven days of injuries, while one sustained minor injuries.

Key Findings of the Incident

Vessel movement caused the gangway to shift, resting over the ladder void and becoming unstable.

Gangway supervision procedures were not followed, and hoist wires were slack.

Markings around the ladder void and gangway load signs were faded and unclear. One lasher’s helmet was lost due to the absence of a chin strap. No life buoy was provided at the lower gangway area.

Immediate Response

The submerged lasher was rescued via a quayside ladder.

First aiders attended the scene, and three lashers were taken to the hospital, while two were sent home.

Terminal supervisors addressed the vessel’s crew and chief officer.

Recommendations for Safety Improvements

  1. Gangway Positioning: Avoid placing gangways near ladder voids.
  2. Procedural Compliance: Ensure to follow written gangway supervision procedures consistently.
  3. Clear Markings and Signage: Maintain visible hazard markings and load capacity signs.
  4. Proper Use of PPE: Enforce correct PPE use, including chinstraps for helmets.
  5. Pre-Work Checks: Conduct regular gangway and vessel inspections before and during operations.
  6. Emergency Equipment: Provide life buoys at gangways per HSE ACOP guidelines.
  7. Stop Work Authority: Empower workers to halt operations if unsafe conditions are observed.

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Source: MSF