GCC Bunkers Announces Marine Fuel Processing Agreement With Texas Terminal


US-based marine fuels supplier GCC Bunkers announced a processing agreement with Texas International Terminals to produce ISO 8217 and IMO 2020 compliant bunker fuel oil and 0.1% ECA specification gasoil, reports SeaNews.

What is in the Processing agreement?

According to a processing agreement with Texas International Terminals, GCC Bunkers, announces to produce ISO 8217 and IMO 2020 compliant 0.5% sulfur bunker fuel oil and 0.1% ECA specification gasoil in the Houston, Texas area, starting in early 2020.

GCC’s mission

“Our mission from the day we started GCC has been to provide solutions to our customers. Now, more than ever, the marine fuel supply business needs to provide absolute assurance of quality and reliability to its customers, and that is what we intend to do,” said GCC Bunkers’ Commercial Director, Zach Stansbury.

What will GCC supply?

GCC Bunkers will supply the below to its customers through dedicated, chartered bunker barges:

  • IMO 2020 specification 0.5% sulfur bunker fuel oil and 
  • 0.1% sulfur ECA specification gasoil .

It will also continue to supply 3.5% sulfur specification fuel oil to its contract customers from separate dedicated barges, ensuring that there can be no sulfur contamination.

Unit with 50,000 barrels per day capacity

Texas International Terminals, located in Galveston, Texas, will operate a simple distillation unit with a capacity of 50,000 barrels per day. 

Texas International Terminals is a world-class liquid and dry bulk multi-modal facility for deep draft vessel, unit train, manifest rail, barge, and trucks along the Galveston ship channel.

GCC invites shipping companies

GCC formally extends the invitation to any shipping companies who may be interested in a reliable, consistent quality supply of their 0.5% sulfur bunker fuel oil and 0.1% ECA specification gasoil in the Houston area, to contact them about supply.

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Source: SeaNews