GCMD Invites Proposal Regarding Ammonia Bunkering


Singapore’s Global Centre for Maritime Decarbonisation (GCMD) initiated its first invitation for a proposal regarding the safety and operations of ammonia bunkering, says an article published in Safety4Sea.

About the proposal

According to the center’s CEO Prof Lynn Loo: The invitation is around proposals to define the safety and operation envelopes to enable ammonia pilot demonstrations in Singapore.

Explaining the Choice

The project has identified a gap in terms of the safety and operations around transporting green fuels. Explaining the choice of ammonia for the first project, Prof Loo highlighted that the production of green ammonia requires three equivalents of green hydrogen to produce green ammonia, while green methanol requires three equivalents of green hydrogen, but only produces one green methanol equivalent.

Prof Loo also noted that this does not mean that ammonia is the solution. As she explained, a portfolio of solutions to think about decarbonization is necessary.

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Source: Safety4Sea