Get Trained to Operate Ships “Energy Efficiently” by IMO – for FREE



There were times where the crew were trained to work onboard a ship. Later a training to handle complex machinery.  Further, a training on automation and control systems.  Next came the Automated ships and distributed control systems.  And now it is time for a training on Energy Efficiency.

Mere operating a ship and carrying out maintenance are gone.  These are the days to look forward to Energy Efficient operation of ships. With the Energy Efficiency wave picking up, IMO has come out with a holistic training on ‘The Energy Efficient Operation of ships’.

A complete package of training materials on IMO’s energy efficiency requirements is now available to download free of charge from the IMO website. The package, including presentations, posters, exercises and assignments, will be of interest to anyone wanting to understand how to implement the regulations in Chapter 4 of MARPOL Annex VI and what the technical and operational implications are for ship designers, shipbuilders, companies and seafarers.

The course has been designed to train individuals to become trainers themselves.  This is to encourage the development of a pool of people who can participate in capacity-building activities under either the auspices of IMO technical cooperation activities or in any other formal education and training scenario.

The package includes trainer’s manual and modules on

  1. Climate Change and the Shipping Response;
  2. Ship Energy Efficiency Regulations and Related Guidelines;
  3. From Management to Operation;
  4. Ship Board Energy Management;
  5. Ship Port Interface for Energy Efficiency;
  6. Energy Management Plans and Systems.

Getting trained and riding over the energy efficiency wave is not enough.  There is always a need to have a proper tool to measure and check whether your ships are energy efficient.  It is for this reason, Viswa Lab has come out with a user-friendly, robust, data augmentation tool to measure a ship’s energy efficiency standards.

Feel free to download VEEMS (Viswa Energy Efficiency Management System) guidebook here – 

Access the Trainer’s Manual here – Trainer’s Manual –

IMO’s TTT (Train The Trainers’ course Downloads) –

Source: IMO