Ghost Ship Sails into North Dakota


On halloween to up the frightening factor, a pirate ship reportedly sailed into a North Dakota farm.

Scare seekers flock to the vessel:

The scare seekers and daredevils who want to.experience the thrill flock to the vessel that terrorizes anyone who comes aboard. The rough and tumble ride that wind and waves create for boats on the high seas has been recreated on dry land.

Deemed crazy by riders:

The idea was conceptualized by Wendy Boehm who wanted her husband to build a cardboard pirate ship to add flair to the family’s annual haunted farm maze. Andy Boehm took the suggestion and swam with it.

Andy Boehm narrated that, “I took an old field cultivator and I hung cables from the top of the wings so it’s supported off the top of the wings so the cables are actually supporting the whole deck and it can swing on the cables. Sheets of scrap tin and old recycled wood complete the small-scale model ship”.

Creepy scenes setup:

Andy further created a creepy camping scene, a witches brew room and the high voltage hut jolt visitors who are brave enough to walk through the web of horror. He iterated that it is funny when people get scared.

A hit among thrill seekers:

Nearly 100 scare seekers travel to the Boehm farm every Halloween and leave in the spirit of All Hallows’ Eve.

The Boehm family began hosting the Haunted Farm Halloween party as a customer appreciation event for the clients of Boehm’s Tractor Repair.

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Source: KFYR-TV