Global Warming of 1.5 °C is Possible With Immediate Actions, Says UNFCC



The Zero Emissions Ship Technology Association (ZESTAs) sees the UNFCC Climate report as a message of hope and believes the authors have made it abundantly clear that it is possible to avert climate catastrophe by pursuing the “very low emissions scenario” within the next two decades, reports a News Wire press release.

Zero emission ship technologies

The COP26 summit will bring parties together to accelerate action towards the goals of the Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, with the maritime industry in the cross hairs as global interests work to fight society’s impacts on the environment.

One of the most important features of COP26 will be Zero Emissions Ship Technology Association (ZESTAs) event COP26—Shipping’s Voyage to Zero being held on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of November.

The event will feature zero emission ship technologies and zero emission ship designs as well as conduct a deep dive into the policy and financial frameworks that will support shipping’s voyage to zero.

To avoid cataclysmic climate catastrophe, the IPCC recommends that we must stay below 1.5. For shipping to play its part we must achieve zero by 2034” stated ZESTAs Secretary General Madadh MacLaine.

Given the lifetime of a vessel, from this point forward, it would be irresponsible to design or build anything that couldn’t achieve zero emissions in 2034. This is why we will focus only on zero emission ship technologies and zero emission ship designs. The good news is that we currently have the technology to build trans-oceanic zero emissions vessels. We will examine what needs to happen to make these ships not only a reality but the norm within the next decade.”

COP26 – Shipping’s Voyage to Zero

COP26—Shipping’s Voyage to Zero is a unique event in Glasgow which will bring players from across the international shipping sector to demonstrate how trans-oceanic zero emissions shipping is not only a reality but how it can become the norm within the next decade.

This ZESTAs hosted workshop-type event will look at combining zero emissions technologies and design features: along with how regulations, logistics, funding, insurance and other factors interact with each other to impact shipping’s voyage to zero emissions.

Speakers will include representatives from the IMO, Flag states, zero emissions ship technology providers and ship designers, finance, insurance, ship owners, small island developing states, the UN and more.

Blueprint for achieving zero emissions

The goal of the event is to bring together innovators, thought leaders, and first movers from the shipping and energy sectors to exchange information, pinpoint development opportunities, break down barriers between uptakers and available technology to define actionable solutions that present a clear trajectory to the uptake of zero emissions ship technologies, renewable energy-based hydrogen fuels, and zero-emissions vessels in international shipping.

The outcome of the COP26- Shipping’s Voyage to Zero event will be a blueprint for achieving zero emissions, including actionable items to support zero emissions business cases, solutions to overcoming existing barriers to zero emission shipping, creating new opportunities and partnerships on Shipping’s Voyage to Zero.

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Source: The News Wire