Globus Maritime Announces Delivery & New Charter Of Kamsarmax Dry Bulker


Globus Maritime Limited announced that it has taken delivery of the M/V “Diamond Globe”, a 2018-built “Eco” Kamsarmax dry bulk carrier, says an article published in SeekingAlpha.

Vessel delivery

Globus Maritime Limited took delivery of the M/V “Diamond Globe”, a 2018-built “Eco” (i.e., with certain fuel efficiency design features) Kamsarmax dry bulk carrier it acquired for a purchase price of $27 million, which the Company previously announced on March 23, 2021.

The M/V “Diamond Globe” was built at the Jiangsu New Yangzi Shipbuilding yard in China and has a carrying capacity of 82,027 DWT.

Globus maritime fleet

Following this acquisition, the Company’s fleet is comprised of seven dry bulk carriers with a total carrying capacity of 463,765 DWT.

Charter plan for the vessel

The Company has also agreed to charter the M/V “Diamond Globe” to an unrelated third party at a daily rate of $27,250. The charter is expected to commence at the earliest on June 16, 2021 and has a minimum duration of four months (minus 15 days) and a maximum duration of six months (plus 15 days) for redelivery at the charterer’s option.

Gross revenue expected

This charter is expected to generate gross revenue of approximately $2.94 million assuming the charter continues for the minimum scheduled period and approximately $5.45 million if the charter continues for the maximum period, in each case assuming no offhire days.

Other expected vessel delivery

Subsequent to this delivery, the Company is expecting delivery of a Kamsarmax dry bulk carrier that the Company previously agreed to acquire and announced on February 18, 2021.

The Company expects to have this vessel delivered during the third quarter of 2021, subject to standard closing conditions and requirements.

Upon delivery of this vessel, the fleet of Globus will expand to eight modern dry bulk carriers with a total carrying capacity of 544,420 deadweight tons and a weighted average age of 10.1 years (as of June 15, 2021).

Athanasios (“Thanos”) Feidakis, President and CEO of Globus commented:

“We are pleased to welcome Diamond Globe to our group. The timing of the delivery is beneficial to our company as the dry bulk shipping market is experiencing a recovery both in the charter rate market as well as on asset prices. We remain focused on capturing the upside of the market and generating long-term value.”

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Source: SeekingAlpha