GMF Explores Policies For International Shipping Decarbonisation


The Global Maritime Forum (GMF) has published a brief to argue that more countries should support international shipping’s transition to zero emissions.

Decarbonization shipping

The “National and regional policy for international shipping decarbonisation” brief emphasizes the potential for meaningful contributions by governments. Furthermore, it suggests that there are numerous options for governments to make meaningful contributions to shipping decarbonization.

Policy Pathway Determined by National Factors

Each country’s policy pathway for shipping decarbonization is influenced by its strengths, ambitions, and its current and envisioned role in the global shipping ecosystem. Different countries may be more equipped to tackle different stages of the transition and may see their role as primarily supporting the emergence, diffusion, and/or reconfiguration phases. For example, being a first-mover country is often a high-risk, high-reward strategy.

Through research and development and market formation policies, the collective actions of first-mover countries steer which technologies are ready for widespread adoption. According to GMF, for these countries, the speed of mobilising funding to support early technological development often represents a key success factor.

Countries can also differentiate their contributions to international shipping decarbonisation based on their current and envisioned roles in the global shipping ecosystem. Each of these potential roles comes with its own incentives, trade-offs, and policy measures.

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Source : Safety4sea