The proven concept of a floating production and offloading vessel (FPSO), OFFSET will use electricity generated by an offshore windfarm to produce green hydrogen and ammonia, saya an article published Riviera.
Actively involve stakeholders
The project was selected by the RVO, part of the Ministry of Economic Affairs & Climate Policy in the Netherlands, for a grant under the Missiegedregen Onderzoek en Ontwikkeling (Mission driven Research and Development) or ‘MOOI’ scheme.
The aim of the OFFSET project is to demonstrate cost reduction in the production of green fuels and increase the competitiveness of hydrogen and ammonia as green fuels. The consortium will actively involve stakeholders from different sectors, such as energy companies, windfarm operators and developers, as well as energy-intensive industry sectors as potential future off-takers.
Transported to end-users
As part of the project scope, the partners aim to develop a floating hydrogen and/or ammonia production and storage facility which will be connected to a windfarm by 2027.
The hydrogen produced will be transported to shore using existing oil and gas pipelines. The ammonia will be transported to end-users using shuttle tankers.
Seawater electrolysis process
SwitcH2 is the project developer and will co-ordinate the overall programme. BW Offshore will focus on the topside arrangement, hull and mooring system design. TU Delft will lead research into the direct use of seawater in the electrolysis process and develop a robust seawater electrolysis process via implementation of improved electrocatalysts.
Strohm will provide proprietary non-corrosive thermoplastic composite pipe technology for hydrogen storage and offloading. A scale model of the final design will be built and tested at Maritime Research Netherlands.
Industrial-scale production
The project partners said they want to address some of the challenges associated with industrial-scale production of green hydrogen, such as intermittent energy supplies and the need for high-quality water supply for the electrolysis process. “A floating facility, using seawater as the feedstock for the electrolysis process, would support the production of electricity at the right moment and right location, and produce offshore green hydrogen or ammonia,” they said.
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Source: Riviera