Green House Gases Emissions Resolution To Be Submitted at MEPC 74


According to an article published in Safety4Sea, the International Association of Ports and Harbors (IAPH), along with several IMO member states and NGOs, are expected to submit a draft resolution to the MEPC 74 next week.

The report further highlights how the draft will encourage voluntary cooperation between ports and shipping companies in order to reduce vessel GHG emissions.

About The Initiative

This initiative by IAPH and Canada was specifically commended by IMO Secretary General Kitack Lim, on the auspices of the IAPH 2019 World Ports Conference opening in Guangzhou, on 5th May.

At the first day of the event, IMO Secretary General Kitack Lim discussed the work of the IAPH with member IMO states and NGOs to address specific UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Climate Action Collaborative Work

Mr. Kitack Lim specifically commended IAPH’s collaborative work on SDG 13 which addresses Climate Action, which included IAPH’s work with Canada on a joint resolution encouraging voluntary cooperation between ports and shipping to reduce vessel GHG emissions.

What’s the initial focus?

IAPH’s initial work with the Canadian government on a joint IMO resolution that invites Member States to encourage voluntary collaboration between ports and shipping to facilitate the reduction of GHG emissions from vessels in ports and harbors has resulted in a detailed submission to the IMO.

Supported and Sponsored by Shipping Associations

It has been co-sponsored by a number of other governments, various shipping industry associations, as well as the World Wildlife Fund and is planned to be tabled at the meeting of the IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) next week.

How was the drafting done?

Namely, MEPC 73 last October invited Member States and international organizations to work with Canada and IAPH on a draft MEPC resolution that encourages port developments and activities to facilitate the reduction of GHG emissions from ships, for submission to MEPC 74.

The Draft Resolution Moves Further

The new document, to be submitted next week, proposes a draft resolution for adoption by the Committee at MEPC 74.

Additionally, Mr. Kitack Lim acknowledged IAPH’s support to co-develop port emissions toolkits on the IMO-based GloMEEP (Global Maritime Energy Efficiency Partnerships) Project.

He also re-emphasised the importance of the combined role of shipping and ports in both world trade and sustainable development:

“Transport is a chain. No link in a chain can be really be effective if viewed in isolation. Actions impacting ships will have an impact throughout the entire supply chain, especially on ports”, he said.

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Source: Safety4sea