Green Marine Europe Label Goes To This Major Shipping Company


  • With the Green Marine Europe label, CMA CGM’s commitment towards environment is rewarded, based on 8 distinct performance indicators.
  • This certification provides a detailed framework for shipping companies to measure and reduce their environmental footprint.
  • Issued by the Surfrider Foundation, the Green Marine Europe is also an opportunity to bring together all stakeholders from France, Europe and the Mediterranean.

A recent news article published in the CMA CGM states that the first major shipping company to be awarded the Green Marine Europe label.

The environmental certification program 

Green Marine Europe, the environmental certification program for European maritime transport, unveiled on June 27th its 2021 results and the certified ship owners during the conference dedicated to this purpose in Marseille in the notable presence of Jean-Emmanuel Sauvée, CEO of Armateurs de France, Claire Martin Vice-President Sustainability of CMA-CGM and Erminio Eschena, Director Institutional Relations & Corporate, MSC Cruises.

This high point in the environmental commitment of European maritime transport and services is being echoed farther with the 2022 UN Ocean Conference taking place in Lisbon from June 27 to July 1.

Certified fleet’s diversification continues

The certification of CMA CGM, a global leader in maritime, land, air and logistics solutions, reinforces the diversification of the business sectors covered by the Green Marine Europe label.

Innovate to progress

CMA CGM equips its vessels with an innovative ballast water treatment system, based on UV rays, without chemical additives. In this respect, it is important to highlight the commitment that the CMA CGM Group made at the  One Ocean Summit in February 2022 to end the transport of plastic waste aboard any of its ships – with same effective as of this past June 1st and immediately putting CMA CGM at Level 3 for the waste management performance indicator.

CMA CGM has joined the Green Marine program in 2021, in order to measure the carbon impact of its activities and move towards common solutions in a collaborative approach. French President Emmanuel Macron mentioned this commitment during the opening speech of the International Union for Conservation of Nature in 2021.

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Source: CMA CGM