Grimaldi Group’s GSAB2 Project To Enhance Port Efficiency


On 14 May 2024, the GSAB2 (Grimaldi Satellite Berthing 2) project was launched. This initiative is an evolution of the previous GSAB project, which the European Space Agency (ESA) assigned to the Grimaldi Group in 2022 under its Navigation Innovation and Support Program (NAVISP).

Guidance system 

The initial project aimed to develop and validate the first assisted guidance system using satellite technology for docking large Pure Car & Truck Carrier (PCTC) vessels.

Following the success of GSAB, the new GSAB2 project will assess the system’s suitability for achieving Autonomy Level 2 as defined by Lloyd’s Register. At this level, all actions on the ship are carried out by a human operator on board, but decision support tools can present options or influence the actions chosen.


The Grimaldi Group will also collaborate with Italy’s Radiolabs Consortium, responsible for designing, executing, and validating the system in real-world operating conditions.

GSAB2 will leverage the latest innovations in satellite-based multi-sensor technologies, developed as part of the original GSAB project, to improve port manoeuvres’ efficiency and safety while reducing CO2 emissions.

Moreover, building on the positive outcomes of GSAB, Grimaldi Deep Sea aims to develop and test an advisory system to ensure safe and efficient berthing operations for large vessels. The focus will be on features such as vessel positioning, navigation, and timing for autonomous sailing and operations; berth planning for manoeuvring in and out of ports; an advisory system for optimal sailing in confined port areas; a Situational Awareness System; and user interaction.

Furthermore, the GSAB2 team will establish the prerequisites for reaching Autonomy Level 3 by defining a comprehensive set of requirements and verification criteria.

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Source: Containernews