Ground-breaking Mooring Tool Launched


HR Wallingford in partnership with Witherbys, launched SHIPMOOR, a new ship mooring tool that performs static and dynamic ship mooring analyses in a rapid, user friendly and intuitive manner, says a press release published on their website.

How does SHIPMOOR work?

Created to make the assessment of mooring an LNG carrier a straightforward and user driven process, SHIPMOOR uses the power of cloud based servers to undertake live mooring analysis for each ship.

The internet-based tool offers an efficient solution for the significant amount of calculation and processing required in this sort of analysis.

Benefits of SHIPMOOR

Mitigates lengthy delays

With mooring errors and disconnections often causing lengthy delays, SHIPMOOR mitigates the input of incorrect data by hosting an up-to-date, standardised database of LNG port information, enabling live sharing of information between all parties involved in the mooring of a ship, from the operator through to the assessments office and the team at the berthing location.

3D visualisation

In providing transparency and accurate data alongside a 3D visualisation of any arrangement, the program provides safer and more efficient berthing.

Validate results against environmental criteria

“SHIPMOOR can be used for all types of ships to validate their mooring arrangements against the conditions they will encounter,” said Dr Mark McBride, our Ships and Dredging Group Manager. “In the case of LNG carriers, the results can be validated against industry specific environmental criteria.”

Improves safety

“SHIPMOOR improves safety by mitigating the risk of mooring line failure, excessive ship movement and emergency disconnection of the loading arms.”

Meets IMO’s cybersecurity requirements

Developed with security at its heart, SHIPMOOR runs within an internet browser and meets the IMO’s newly introduced cybersecurity requirements.

Technical Director at Witherbys, Johan Machtelinckx, added: “With traditional methods for preparing the mooring of LNG carriers often causing errors and delays, SHIPMOOR is truly a 21st century solution for mooring analysis. By optimising a process that usually requires a lengthy and data intensive setup, SHIPMOOR saves vast amounts of time for each mooring operation.”

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Source: HR Wallingford