Guidelines For The Safe Carriage Of Bagged Rice


  • The Club continues to observe numerous claims associated with the carriage of rice, a cargo sensitive to temperature and humidity.
  • This risk alert provides a comprehensive guide to address issues related to the carriage of rice, from preload planning to discharge operations, aiming to prevent and mitigate against potential damages and claims.

Pre Load Planning

  • Importance of proper hold preparation, including cleaning and ventilation.
  • Various hold cleaning standards and their significance.
  • Inspection and maintenance of cargo hold bilges, ballast water systems, and ventilation systems.
  • Ensuring weathertightness of hatch covers and sealing arrangements.
    Certification and maintenance of vessel’s cranes and cargo equipment.

At the Load Port

  • Preload initial draft survey and verification of tanks’ conditions.
  • Independent survey of cargo holds and issuance of “PASS” certificate.
  • Appointment of independent preload cargo surveyor and Tally Clerk.
  • Proper stowage and protection of cargo using approved dunnage and materials.
  • Documentation requirements including Cargo Quality Certificate and Mate’s receipts.

Cargo Operations & Stevedore Handling

  • Precargo operation and toolbox meetings.
  • Monitoring of stevedores’ handling to prevent damage to cargo.
  • Use of slings and nets for handling bagged rice cargo.
  • Recordkeeping of temperature, cargo condition, and cargo handling activities.


  • Appointment of certified fumigator and issuance of fumigation certificates.
  • Considerations for different types of infestation.
  • Safety precautions and certification for fumigated holds.

Transit Passage

  • Monitoring of ballast water transfer and bilge soundings.
  • Regular checks of cargo hold weathertightness and hatch seals.
  • Maintenance of ventilation and temperature monitoring.

At the Discharge Port

  • Draft surveys and verification of hatch seals.
  • Monitoring of cargo handling and security measures.
  • Engagement of cargo surveyor and tally clerk.
  • Recordkeeping and documentation for claims management.

Claims Management

  • Required documents for dispute resolution or claim investigation.
  • Inclusion of master’s statement, survey reports, logbooks, and relevant photographs.
  • Documentation of loading/discharge operations, delays, and stevedoring damage.

This guideline emphasizes the importance of meticulous planning, preparation, and documentation throughout the entire process of rice cargo carriage to minimize risks and ensure safe and efficient operations.

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Source: Steamship Mutual