Have We Tamed The Virus Enough To Become Endemic?


The first patients in the NHS are being offered a new drug to help treat Covid-19. As Covid treatments are changing, fewer patients are becoming seriously ill or dying, reports BBC.

Evolution of covid

At the start of the pandemic there were no drugs for Covid.

Now things have changed enormously. At the Royal Victoria Infirmary in Newcastle, the critical care unit looks and feels very different. Firstly, staff are no longer in full PPE, because most wards are Covid-free. At the peak a year ago the hospital trust was caring for 90 critically ill Covid patients. Today there are just three.

It is now the exception, rather than the norm, for patients to go on a ventilator. Hospital stays are much shorter and survival rates have improved significantly.

They include the cheap anti-inflammatory steroid dexamethasone, the first drug proven to save the lives of people seriously ill with Covid, which was discovered through a ground-breaking NHS trial.


Of course the biggest single advance has been the introduction of highly effective vaccines. While they are less effective at preventing people from catching the latest variant Omicron, they do give very strong protection against severe disease.

“We’ve had some very sick patients who’ve come in with Omicron but the majority of those are unvaccinated,” says infectious diseases consultant Dr Ashley Price. He says without vaccines Omicron would have caused “vast numbers” of hospital admissions.

And there are now treatments to defend the most vulnerable.

Oral medications

The drug, sotrovimab, is a monoclonal antibody – synthetic proteins which stick to coronavirus to prevent an infection from getting established.

In trials of vulnerable patients it cut their risk of hospital admission and death by 79% – 100,000 doses of sotrovimab, are on order for the NHS.

The box of pills selected is called Paxlovid – it’s an antiviral which, in trials, cut Covid hospital admissions by 88%. The treatment is being dispatched to high-risk patients across the UK who have just tested positive.

Through the Antivirals Taskforce, the government has procured nearly five million doses of Paxlovid and another antiviral, molnupiravir.

Antiviral role

The one thing still missing here is visitors, but the hospital is just beginning to ease restrictions.

The focus now is on keeping patients from ever needing hospital treatment. That’s where antivirals come in.

There are thousands of medicines on the shelves in the Royal Victoria Infirmary’s automated dispensary, which is the size of a couple of shipping containers. When one of the pharmacists types in the name of a drug, the robot arm races down the central aisle, selecting the medicine and dropping the pack down a chute.

Both are designed to prevent a Covid infection from turning serious and form part of the armory of treatments we now have against Covid.

Drop in hospital admissions 

Even though the Covid hospital admissions have fallen sharply, there is the growing problem of long Covid. Last month a record 1 in 50 people in the UK said they were living with lingering symptoms of Covid.

But the combination of effective vaccines and targeted medicines look set to help keep Covid in check and allow the NHS and society to plan for a future no longer dominated and disrupted by coronavirus.

Covid will not disappear completely, but even if a new more deadly variant emerges it should be managed by a combination of vaccines and the increasing range of effective drug treatments.

Covid has been the biggest challenge ever faced by the NHS. Two years on, hospitals can begin to plan for a future not completely free of the disease, but one where it no longer dominates healthcare and society.

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Source: BBC