Heat Exhaustion During Mooring Causes Crew Collapse And Death


  • On 27 July 2023, three crew members of the Elpida GR collapsed due to heat exhaustion while mooring at Mesaieed, Qatar. The bosun later died.
  • The investigation concluded that prolonged physical work in hot and humid conditions contributed to the incident.
  • The MSIU recommended that the company improve onboard environmental comfort and that the flag State Administration enhance training and provide updated medical guides for seafarers.

On 27 July 2023, three crew members of the Elpida GR collapsed while mooring at the port of Mesaieed, Qatar, due to heat exhaustion, resulting in the death of the bosun. The investigation found that prolonged physical labor in hot and humid conditions was a significant factor. The Marine Safety Investigation Unit (MSIU) has recommended that the company improve onboard conditions to ensure crew comfort and has called on the flag State Administration to enhance seafarer training on heat stroke and to ensure that relevant medical guides are carried on board Maltese-registered vessels, reports MISU.

About the incident

On 27 July 2023, during the berthing of the Elpida GR at Mesaieed port in Qatar, three crew members at the forward mooring station collapsed due to heat exhaustion. The incident occurred as the crew was passing the mooring lines ashore. The affected crew members, including the bosun, were taken to the accommodation and subsequently to a local hospital via shore service boats. The bosun was declared deceased upon arrival at the hospital. The other three crew members were diagnosed with heat exhaustion.

The safety investigation determined that extended physical exertion in hot and humid weather was likely responsible for the crew’s collapse. In response, the Marine Safety Investigation Unit (MSIU) issued a recommendation to the company to enhance onboard comfort for crew members. Additionally, two recommendations were made to the flag State Administration: one to propose the inclusion of heat stroke and hyperthermia treatment training in IMO model courses and the other to ensure that relevant medical guides are available on Maltese-registered vessels as specified in the STCW Code and IMO model courses.

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Source: MISU