Common Cold’s Protective Role Against COVID?


  • People with high levels of T cells are less likely to contract the virus
  • Broader immune responses to Covid  have also indicated a more nuanced role of immunity
  • T Cells attack proteins inside the virus, rather than the spike protein

Study suggests common Cold Could Protect Against Covid Infection, reports Forbes.

About the study 

For the study, which took place in September 2020 (before most in the U.K. had been infected or vaccinated against Covid-19), the researchers followed 52 people living with someone who had Covid-19, half of whom went on to contract the disease.

For the half that did not get infected, blood samples taken shortly after exposure revealed higher levels of T cells from previous coronavirus infections, such as colds, that could also recognize proteins in the virus that causes Covid-19, the researchers said.

Outcome of the study 

Professor Ajit Lalvani, the study’s senior author, said the findings provide “the clearest evidence to date that T cells induced by common cold coronaviruses play a protective role against” Covid and could hold the key to developing a universal vaccine that protects against current and future variants

The study said the T Cells attack proteins inside the virus, rather than the spike protein (targeted by most widely-used vaccines) on its surface, which Lalvani said mutate much less and make for more “broadly protective vaccines” between various variants.

Role of immunity

Broader immune responses to Covid, such as those with previous coronavirus infections, have also indicated a more nuanced role of immunity than we currently understand.

While the finding is an important one, first author Dr. Rhia Kundu said “it is only one form of protection… that no one should rely on” alone. Kundu said the best way to protect against Covid-19 “is to be fully vaccinated, including getting your booster dose.” 

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Source: Forbes