Here’s Why Your Shipping Is Delayed


  • Shipments are delayed globally.
  • Abnormally high demand for products after supply chain problems.
  • The chemical industry is no exception to shipping difficulties.
  • Ports are overloaded with ships waiting in line.

People all over the world are experiencing shipment delays as retailers run out of basic commodities as reported by Chemistry World.

Supply chain problems

‘Supply’ and ‘chain’ must be the two most aggravating words you hear these days.

It appears to be the root of all troubles in life.

Is your favourite ice cream at the grocery store running out?

Prices are skyrocketing for items that used to be reasonably priced.

Molecules that originate in China or India may travel to Puerto Rico, Switzerland, or Ireland before coming into contact with a patient or another end user.

Shortages were most often caused by abnormally high demand – if you were a first-time user of isopropyl alcohol, you’d have to wait in line after hospitals and hand sanitiser makers received their supplies

Chemical industry

Supply chain difficulties are affecting the chemical industry too.

Much of the present difficulty in getting orders have to do with the delays in ocean shipments, which is how much of the world’s goods travels.

Yes, some chemicals are considered safe enough to be flown on cargo aircraft in bulk, but you’ll have to think carefully about whether it is worth your money to battle the laptops and fresh flowers of the world for that space.

Of course, there are means of controlling the temperature of chemicals, even on oceangoing ships.

Ports are overloaded, ships are having to wait in line, and because of that, shipments of chemicals are late – and because of that, the revenues of chemical companies are suffering.

You’re now in a race to preserve the product.

If your container is unplugged at its new port or if the refrigeration unit is indeed malfunctioning, the temperature will begin drifting.

An unfortunate mishap

That wasn’t the case for potassium amyl xanthate shippers recently.

This material was presumably exposed to water due to a storm off the coast of Victoria, Canada, and caught fire as a result. The ship’s crew sprayed the containers with water for as long as they could until they realised the dangers of combustible carbon disulfide being released when water reacts with amyl xanthate.

The fire was put out finally, but you can bet this product was no longer usable. People waiting for that material to arrive at the port, as well as shippers and manufacturers waiting for payment on deliveries, will have to wait even longer – just like the rest of us these days.

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Source: Chemistry World