Heroic Titanic Seaman gets Grave Stone Decades after Death



A heroic seaman from the Titanic, whose grave remained unmarked for nearly 75 years, finally received a fitting headstone on Saturday.

Titanic enthusiasts joined members of Robert Hopkins’ family at Holy Name Cemetery in Jersey City, as the black granite headstone was unveiled and blessed.

Hopkins was asleep in his bunk when Titanic hit an iceberg on April 14, 1912.  He was assigned to help load and launch lifeboats, which could only handle 1,178 people.

First Officer William Murdoch ordered Hopkins to board Lifeboat 13, which was carrying many third-class passengers, according to Titanic International Society president Charles Haas.

Hopkins’ boat was lowered below Lifeboat 15, which also was descending and threatened to land on top of Hopkins’ boat.

“Hopkins, from what we’ve seen, called up and told them to stop lowering.  He and another crew member went to work with a pen knife to cut the ropes,” Haas said.

“If Hopkins had not done what he did, 13 and 15, would have been lost,” he said.

After his rescue, Hopkins returned to sea and later became a longshoreman in Hoboken.  He died in 1943.

Source: New York Post