High Panama Canal Traffic Attributed To West Coast Diversion



The Panama Canal authorities have informed that they undergo the experience unusually high demand and are taking several steps to expedite traffic, decrease Canal Waters Time and reduce the current backlog of vessels.

The canal has postponed non-critical maintenance work at the locks, modified its booking system, canceled draft restrictions, and assigned additional crews to operate the tugs, locomotives and locks.

The greater demand is attributed, in part, to traffic diverted from the U.S. West Coast and a higher-than-normal volume of ships that require additional security measures, such as tankers and gas carriers.  The canal says it has also seen a higher percentage of large and deep-draft vessels, which also affects CWT.

Weather has also slowed traffic. In the month of October alone, fog delayed 107 vessels.  Drought caused by the El Niño phenomenon reduced water levels in Gatun Lake, increasing lockage process time.

Panama Canal Administrator/CEO Jorge L. Quijano said, “We have taken, and will continue to implement, measures to speed traffic and reduce wait times. Of note, this past year, the Canal saw record cargo tonnage and greatly advanced the Canal expansion, which is 94 percent complete and will double our cargo capacity.”

In order to further expedite the traffic, the Panama Canal will temporarily suspend booking slots for regulars available in the third period, for vessels less than 300 feet in length and for Just-In-Time slots for regulars.  These measures will take effect November 12, 2015.

The Panama Canal said it would continue to monitor the situation.

Source: JOC