Life At Sea. Is it still Rewarding?

A Recent study on seafarers’ happiness index reveals that most seafarers are contented and happy with their career at sea.  IMO’s “Join the Sea” campaign and statistics reveal that there is a shortage for...

Oil Slick Of Unknown Origin Spotted In California

On Wednesday 29th July 2015, around 10 a.m., two kayakers reported spotting  an oil sheen that coated their kayaks and legs as they sailed about 1000 feet off the beach of Goleta.  The sighting is at...

[Watch] Brinicle: Icicle Of Death One of the vast and overwhelming subject is Ocean.  Sailors experience and witness enormous mysteries under the water, all around the world.  Experts have analysed the top 10 uncovered phenomena.  One among the Ocean...

Extra French Police to Stop Calais Migrants

Nine migrants have died since June when they made an attempt to reach the UK through Eurotunnel.  Despite these deaths, other migrants remain undeterred and they have resolved to keep trying to reach the...

First Settlers’ Remains Discovered In Virginia

An English colony was established in America (New World) by two expeditions in 1607 and 1610 respectively in Jamestown, Virginia.  The remains of four of the prominent members of the expeditions were exhumed in...

Child Sex Trafficking in US

Some facts about the dark underworld of US:Poverty, deprivation and exploitation force thousands of its own children down into a dark underworld. Tens of thousands of American children are thought to be sexually exploited every...

Fall From Cargo Hold – Kills One

A fatal fall to the bottom of a cargo hold when cleaning on the coaming top face plate.As per the Hong Kong merchant shipping information note issued on 24th July 2015, the incident occurred on...

336 People Rescued From The Sea

NYK line vessel rescues people stranded in the MediterraneanHermes Leader the Bahamas registered 71,177-GT car carrier was on its way to Gioia Tauro, Italy, when it received a call for help.  On 14th July 2015,...

Air Travel Complaints : Comfortness Tops The List

Summer has started and people in the United States have begun to fly for vacations.  The amount of complaints regarding the flight travel has increased to an equal amount.  According to a survey by...

SMTC To Provide Shore-Power Subsidy

SMTC offers price discounts to vessels availing cold ironing at their portsThe Shanghai Municipal Transportation Commission (SMTC) which oversees Shanghai port “Cold-ironing project” has introduced price discount schemes.  The purpose of these schemes is...