LNG Powered Vessel Orders Hit Record High in March

Classification society DNV says orders for LNG-powered ships hit record high in March as a growing number of owners opt for the fuel to comply with stricter rules and slash emissions. Orders for LNG-Powered Ships According...

EU Maritime Carbon Pricing, Call for Fair Proposal

An alliance of Greek and Swedish shipowners, along with Transport & Environment (T&E) write to European Commission about 'polluter pays principle’. They have called on the European Commission to put the ‘polluter pays...

Strong Q1 Dry Bulk Freight Market A Surprise

Although uncertainties still loom large due to the global pandemic, many countries are recovering economically and actively rebuilding commodity stockpiles. Expectations are that shipments will increase further in Q2, while freight rates will...

Booming Container Market For Another 2 Years

After cumulative ocean carrier profits exceeded some $9bn for the final quarter of 2020, the returns for the liner industry could double that in Q1 this year. Cosco Shipping expects its Q1 net...

Growing Container Ship Building Business, A Fact File

It has long been argued that shipowners are abstaining from orders because they fear future decarbonization rules won’t grandfather in today’s carbon-emitting newbuild designs. What’s happening now in container shipping implies that owners can overcome...

Arnt Vespermann, the New Chief of Offen Group

After announcing his departure from Hamburg Süd earlier this year, Arnt Vespermann is will take over the management of Offen Group. His experience of tramp and liner shipping will help expand the company.  He...

US To ‘Pause’ Use Of J&J Vaccine Over Blood Clot Concerns

The FDA is asking states to temporarily halt using J&J’s Covid-19 vaccine after six people in the U.S. developed a rare blood-clotting disorder. The FDA said the recommendation is “out of an abundance...

Gasoline Margins’ Improvement Slits China’s Fuel Oil Output

Recovering gasoline refining margins in Asia-Pacific are expected to cut Chinese fuel oil production, which will help relieve high inventory levels at major bunkering hubs in China, according to market sources, reports Argus Media.Chinese...

WHO Reports On The ‘Exponentially’ Growing Covid Rates

The global coronavirus pandemic is still growing exponentially, the World Health Organization said on Monday, as it reported 4.4m cases in the last week, the seventh straight week of rising numbers, says an article...

Understanding the Infrastructure of Ship Recycling Facility

It is widely criticized that recycling facilities do not have adequate procedures and infrastructure to collect and dispose of the hazardous waste recovered from the ships during the recycling process. However, it is critical...