Update on Scrubber Discharge Bans in Countries & Ports

Countries and Ports to hold Restrictions on EGCS Discharges Apply, an article was published on North P&I Club.Scrubber in shipping industry It is known that the use of scrubbers has split the shipping industry. To...

Oil Products Stocks Climb Up To A Four-week High

 Large gasoil shipments are heading for Yemen. India and China are sending gasoline to the Middle East. There is an unexpected refinery outage in Oman.A recent news article published in the Platts written...

World Financial Policymakers To Convene in IMF and World Bank Meet

Financial policymakers from around the globe are preparing to convene for the springtime meetings of the IMF and the World Bank. The IMF will give a snapshot of the economic scars from the...

Excellence in Energy Transition and Ship Energy Summit

‘Actors in the market have to set their own targets, and these targets should be more aggressive – more ambitious – than the ones that are being set by the regulators as we speak,’...

WHO Says No To Use Ivermectin in Patients with Covid-19

The WHO said Wednesday that ivermectin — touted by some on social media as a Covid-19 'miracle cure' — should not be used to treat coronavirus patients. The WHO issued guidelines saying ivermectin...

$100 Billion Investment & Sustainable Change Key for Petrochemical Sector

India's petrochemical industry is gearing up for a sweeping transformation through 2030. Significant expansion of its intermediates' production capacity, and moves by the industry and policy makers are to reduce the sector's carbon...

MAN’s ME-GI Sets New Industrial Standard

Man Energy Solutions announced dual fuel engines more preferred in entirety, says a press release published on their website. ME-GI a new industrial standard MAN Energy Solutions successful ME-GI (-Gas Injection) engine has set a new...

Singapore Base Oil Producer Raises Prices for All Its Grades

A base oil producer based in Singapore has raised its ex-tank Singapore prices for all of its grades, says an article published in ArgusMedia. The rise in prices of the ex-tank by base oil producers...

Effects of Covid-19 on Maternal & Infant Health

Covid-19 has led a massive increase in stillbirth, maternal mortality and depression globally, says an article published in CNN health. Reviews of The Lancet on the Covid impact According to the reviews published in The Lancet,...

PIL Completes $600m Financial Restructuring

The restructuring of Pacific International Lines (PIL) has been completed with a unit of Singapore’s sovereign wealth fund of $600m to save the SS Teo-led carrier, says an article published in Splash247. Heliconia Capital Management Heliconia...