Signs That Will Help Decide When To Sail

To resume sailing from Covid impacts, the US government has set strict standards for cruise lines, says an article published in USA Today. Longing for Cruise Resume It's been a hard year for cruise passengers. Last...

Ex-seafarer Pays Off With His Empathy In Work

Arvin Peralta, an inspector for the global welfare group, International Transport Workers Federation (ITF) shares his bounded experiences to help other seafarers and gives a payoff to it, says an article published in The...

Why Scrubber Ships Moving From Two To Five Fuel Types?

Copenhagen-listed shipowner TORM on Monday (1 March) reported not all ports allowing the use of 3.5% HFO with scrubbers for its EGCS-equipped vessels, reports Manifold Times. Solution  As such, its solution is to move from using...

Queues of Vessels Building Up At Key Container Hubs

A shortage of empty containers is bringing delays of as much as a week to boxships visiting Singapore, according to price reporting agency S&P Global Platts. Long Queue For 18,000 TEU ships visiting Singapore the wait...

Global Oil Companies Aim To Provide Carbon Capture Services Worldwide

The global oil industry aims to lean more on carbon capture, utilization and storage technologies as it seeks to deliver more "carbon-neutral" crude oil shipments in order to emerge as more of an ally...

How MBM Can Assist IMO’s Initial GHG Strategy

A new report, published by the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and commissionned by Danish Maritime Authority, provides an overview and discussion of potential Market Based Measures under IMO’s Initial GHG Strategy, under a...

Shipping Companies Conduct Performance Reviews Due To Missed Targets

With performance targets continuing to be missed, shippers are re-evaluating processes to keep tabs on carrier service delivery and accountability, reports Drewry. The need for monitoring  Terminal congestion is pushing vessel ‘on time performance’ to all-time...

Next Pandemic Already Here

Scientists warn of a more severe pandemic as they find bat coronaviruses have the potential to directly enter human cells, waiting to unleash a new epidemic. The viruses are similar to covid and affect...

Safety Harness Or A Deathtrap! Only These Checks Can Tell

A safety harness is a system of restraints that prevent the wearer from falling from a height. The harness allows the user to attach themselves to a stationary object, therefore ensuring they will not...

Baltic Index Snaps 4-session Losing Streak

The Baltic Exchange's main sea freight index gained on Tuesday, reports Yahoo Finance. Baltic index gain The Baltic Exchange's main sea freight index gained on Tuesday, snapping a four-session run of losses, helped by stronger rates...