Singapore LNG Bunkering Capacity To Hit 1m Tonnes By 2021

 Singapore's annual liquefied natural gas (LNG) bunkering capacity is expected to hit 1 million tonnes by 2021, says Reuters. Cleaner shipping fuel As Singapore, the world's largest marine refuelling hub transitions toward cleaner shipping fuels, it...

Charters Prevent Crew Change, Condemns INTERCARGO

INTERCARGO says charterers in the dry bulk sector prevent much needed crew changes from taking place during the period of the charter, says a press release published on their website. Owners accept to bear associated...

Biden’s Maritime Administrator Nominee Crucial for Its Climate Change Plans

Biden-Harris team to focus on the historically overlooked and less prominent US Shipping Administrator position, to succeed with their climate change plans, says an article published in Forbes. Successful climate change plans In the upcoming months,...

Usage of Hemp Products Can Lead To MMC Cancellation

The US Department of Homeland security has issued a Marine Safety Advisory regarding the potential for positive Drug Test Result from Use of Hemp-Plant Products.  A news report in Splash 247 based on the...

Clean Arctic Alliance Calls for Stronger Ban on HFO in Arctic

Clean Arctic Alliance calls on IMO member states to agree on stronger ban of  HFO in Arctic ahead of November meeting. Norwegian government calls for complete ban on the use of heavy fuel...

400,000 Seafarers Trapped in Ships Due To New Covid 19 Infections

An estimated 400,000 seafarers are waiting to go home. Most are trapped on ships because port authorities fear new Covid-19 infections and don't want them ashore. In some countries, crew changes are banned...

Hin Leong-linked Xihe Subsidiaries File Winding-up Resolutions

Hin Leong-linked shipping company Xihe Capital and several of its subsidiaries published winding-up resolutions on 30 October, reports Ship & Bunker. Winding-up resolutions Xihe Capital and its subsidiaries An Ding Shipping, An Rong Shipping, An Shun...

MOL Charters Three Ice-Breaking LNG Carriers for Arctic LNG2

MOL signs charter contract for three icebreaking LNG carriers for Arctic LNG 2. The vessels will mainly transport LNG from a loading terminal on the Gydan Peninsula in the Russian Arctic to the...

Armed Pirates Attack 3 Ships in Over 6 Hours

Pirates attacked a total of three ships in the Singapore Strait on 8 and 9 November. Ship equipment was stolen from one ship, and a lifebuoy from another, while nothing was taken from...

Weekly Bulk report – Week 45, 2020

The Baltic Briefing has released a report about the dry bulk market for the 45th week of shipping activities of this year. The report dated 06th November highlights the plight of the dry bulk...