IMO 2020 Transition Definitely A Success, Hails Kitack Lim

IMO Secretary General Kitack Lim hailed the successful IMO 2020 transition in his keynote address at the IBIA Annual Convention 2020, says an article published in Ship&Bunker. Bunker industry’s role  IMO Secretary General Kitack Lim has...

ICS Introduces Shipping Initiatives To Counter Digitalization Challenges

ICS has joined with BIMCO and Witherbys to launch the second edition of the Cyber Security Workbook for On Board Ship Use. The book provides a ship’s crew with the practical means to...

Doctors on Alert for Possible COVID Vaccine Before Christmas

One, out of the 200 COVID vaccines under development, will hopefully be available in the first part of next year. Johnson's government regards the emergence of a vaccine, as well as the development...

MSC on ‘Massive Buying Spree’ Amid Surging Charter Rates

Containership S&P activities dominate the week’s transactions with many ships changing hands, and freight and charter rates surging. Mediterranean Shipping has embarked on a massive buying spree of secondhand containerships with the purchase...

World’s First Cruise With Onboard COVID Testing Lab

According to a Forbes report, Viking Star will offer daily PCR testing to all passengers and crew via the first floating laboratory of its kind at sea, making it in the first cruise ship...

Cough Detecting Tool Identifies Asymptomatic COVID, 97% Accurate

According to a Science Alert article written by David Neil, a group of MIT researchers has found a way out of the biggest problem in the pandemic, that of detecting the virus in asymptomatic...

Cloth Masks Made of Water Resistant Material Effective Against COVID

According to a research paper published by CDC, multiple layers of water resistant materials made cloth masks have been found to be effective in protecting against the coronavirusCloth masks have been used in healthcare...

Scientists Working on Next-Gen COVID Vaccines for Long Term Immunity

According to a Pharmaceutical Technology report, there are concerns that emergency authorized vaccines may not be particularly effective at preventing Covid-19 infections in the long-term, leading to the need for improved, next-generation vaccines against...

Harvard Study Shows Onboard Flight Ventilation Can Filter Airborne Virus

With the pandemic turning our life upside down, everything is a risk activity nowadays - right from grocery shopping to taking a flight. We generally tend to think that taking a flight may be...

ULCS’s LNG Refit Trailblazer For Many Others

Retrofit of first ultra-large container ship to burn LNG fuel could be first of many. Enginemaker plans delivery of an ammonia-burning engine by 2024.For over half a year, engineers, technicians and welders have...