[Watch] The Maiden Voyage of Hoegh Target From China to UK Carrying 8500 Cars

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMG1SdeYLFE&feature=youtu.be Hoegh Target, the world’s biggest Pure Car and Truck Carrier, made its maiden voyage to the UK carrying 8500 cars.  When the 8500 cars are in a queue, it covers a distance of 26...

Fatigue And Its Impact On Seafarers

Fatigue among seafarers has been the cause of concern for a while now.  Those involved in the industry realise that one cannot brush fatigue factor away by commenting seamen are not tough as they...

Taylor Swift’s New Africa Video is Too White

The director of Taylor Swift's ‘The video for Wildest Dreams’ had been accused of a "white colonial fantasy of Africa".  But director Joseph Kahn has said it "is not a video about colonialism but...

Seventy Ships and 4m Tons Pass Through Suez Canal

On Monday, a record number of 70 ships passed through the Suez Canal, without waiting, in both directions, ferrying a total of 4m tons.  A total of 34 ships passed from the North and...

YouTube Gaming Edges Out Twitch

YouTube is known for its on demand video sharing.  It  quietly launched a dedicated app and website for video gamers on Wednesday evening.  It lays greater emphasis on live streams.  YouTube has entered the...

Singapore to Host ITLOS Peace Talks  

The United Nations 1982 Convention on the Law of Sea, established an independent Judicial body called the “ The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS)”.  In November 1994, Singapore became a...

Idle Containership Fleet Soared to New High

Alphaliner says that idling of containerships across the global fleet has soared to new high in 2015 reaching 500,000 TEU capacity mark.Alphaliner, the market analyst in its latest data, reports that the idle containership...

Oil Spill From El-Hamra Power Plant Contaminates Nile River

On Friday 28th August, there was a fuel oil spill covering nearly one-and-a-half- kilometres at the Nile river.  A burst pipeline at an Egyptian el-Hamra power plant caused the spill.  The Governor of the southern city...

Merger of Two Chinese Shipping Giants

On September 2nd, the Chinese Government ordered the integration of business operations of state-owned China Merchants Energy Shipping (CMES) and Sinotrans & CSC Group to reform its state-run shipping sector.  Since August, both the...

MOL Container Ships To Use Windshields That Reduce Fuel Consumption

Japan’s Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd. (MOL) has the world’s largest ocean shipping fleet.  MOL, in collaboration with MOL-Techno-Trade, Ouchi Ocean Consultant, Akishima Laboratory and University of Tokyo has developed and designed windshields for containerships,...