The Chancellor’s Visit To EU Capitals, For UK’s EU Membership

George Osborne the UK Chancellor visits EU capitals in the wake of UK universities’ campaign for EU membership.  UK government is likely to hold the referendum in June next year.  While the process of...

Three Ships Take Test Run Through The New Suez Canal Just Before Its Formal...

Anticipating the formal inauguration of the New Suez Canal which will take place on the 6th of August 2105, authorities test ran three ships in the new expanded canal.The first ship that passed...

Richard Colton Bequeaths 2 Classic Ferraris to RNLI for their Lifeboat Funds.

RNLI founded since 1824 is the world's largest charity that saves lives at sea.  They operate in and around coasts of UK, Ireland, the Isle of Mann and the channel Islands.  The RNLI lifeguards...

The LSMGO Prices Dip Alongside The Collapse In Oil Prices Worldwide

For past one year, there has been a steady decline in low sulphur marine gas oil prices.  Earlier, experts had predicted that the transition to low sulphur fuels would increase fuel costs, as it...

Seven Crew Members Of Bomar Mercury Hospitalized Due To Gas Intoxication

Two of the seven seamen onboard the chemical/oil Products tanker Bomar Mercury were hospitalized in critical condition after inhaling a toxic gas by name aniline in the Port of Rotterdam last week.  Two other...

Piston Ring Breakage, Liner wear and Fuel Valve Failure – Consequences of Using Off-Specification...

Particulars:Ship Type : Mid-sized Bulk Carrier.Location : Singapore Anchorage (Bunkering).Engine : Daihatsu 6DK32, 4 Stroke Diesel engine.Scenario:  The vessel was scheduled to sail to Europe and due to the prevailing fuel prices, charterers decided to bunker the vessel...

Focus On Fall Preventer Devices By Japan P&I Club

Many a times, routine lifeboat drills and maintenance result in personnel’s injury and even death.  The Japan P&I Club focuses on fall preventer devices, their usage so that lifeboat release and the retrieval systems...

Greek Customs Seize Panamanian Vessel Carrying 16 Armored Vehicles

A Roro carrier, bound for Khalid port in Libya, was stopped at the port of Keratsini and detained by Greek customs for smuggling 16 armored vehicles.Greek customs officials have detained Panama-flagged roll on, roll...

“Weathered Oil” Washes Up On Three Australian Beaches

Clumps of oil, the size of a palm have been reported to have washed ashore on the beaches of Forrest Beach near Ingham, on beaches of Palm Island and on Mulligan Beach on Hinchinbrook...

Panama Canal’s Water Levels Dip Due To Lack Of Rain

The Panama Canal’s water levels have dwindled due to lack of rain this year.  Thus, the PCA is considering issuing an advance notice to all vessels on the maximum permissible draft level. Currently, the maximum permissible draft...