BG All Set To Merge With Shell

On Thursday, majority of BG Group shareholders approved Royal Dutch Shell's $52 billion (36 billion pounds) takeover.The merger will take place on 15th February...

Technology Hinders At Sea warns P&I Club

North P&I Club has issued warnings that:The technologies we use at sea such as video calls, emails, mobile devices are more of a hinderance...

Concerns Raised For Oil Transfer In Moray Firth

Campaigners are worried that the ship-to-ship transfers might pose a threat to the marine animals including the dolphin population in Moray Firth.  They are...

A new ship to ship LNG bunkering vessel design

Using its in house expertise and floating storage and regasification units (FSRU) design Sener has developed a new ship to ship (STS) liquefied natural...

Tall Ships Pull into Port

The Official ship of Washington State - Lady Washington and her companion ship - Hawaiian Chieftain have returned to Ventura County and are now...

Dense Fog Closed Port Tampa Bay For a Day

Dense fog limited visibility for ship traffic at Port Tampa Bay.Several ships including a cruise ship and ten cargo ships were delayed due to...

Bunkering Vessels Spill Oil

A general cargo vessel leaked oil during bunkering operations in Elevsis on 26th January 2016.  The leak occurred when a tanker vessel was transferring...

15 Seafarers Rescued From Drifting Vessel In North Sea

The reports says that SeaWorker vessel, which is used for installation of offshore wind turbines, began to drift uncontrollably after it broke from its...

The Wreck Of Umbria In The Red Sea

The Umbria has been described by divers as “the best shipwreck in the world”.  Still very much intact, only her wooden decking has been...

Marpol Alert On Discharge Of Wash Water From Cargo Holds

Marpol has advised Members and clients that port reception facilities for wash water from holds containing cargoes are classified as harmful to the marine...