SK Shipping Requires $600m To Finance Four LNG carriers

SK Shipping has approached 20 local and foreign banks to raise funds to the extent of $600m for the construction of four LNG carriers. This...

Mr. Holger Jacobsen – The “Engine Expert”

Holger has spent over 23 years with MAN Diesel & Turbo, managing both field and technical services in Australia and Singapore.  He was the...

Chinese CMP Renews 35 Year-Old Licence Agreement With MAN

8th October 2015 marked the renewal of a licence agreement and cooperation that first started in the 1980s between CSSC Marine Power Co., Ltd and...

Innovative Multigas Carrier Design

Deltamarin Ltd and Brevik Technology AS, a VARD affiliate, have joined forces to develop a unique and novel multigas carrier design.  The concept weds...

Subsea Compressor Now And Subsea Factory Later!  Statoil, Petoro and OMV have partnered to start a revolution in recovery gas from under the sea by starting the first wet gas compressor...

Paris MoU Site Offers Inspection Results in User-Friendly Way

Paris MoU Introduces a new statistical feature on inspection results throughout the region. Paris MoU site offers access online to know the results of inspection...

Astounding Port Developments & Cheaper Fuels – Is Russia the Sweet Spot?

We have recently released a “Fuel Problems - The Watchdog!” alert on Russian Bunker fuels. Ships have experienced serious machinery damage when fuels have...

Early Detection of Abnormalities in Electrically Controlled Diesel Engines

Leading Japanese classification society, ClassNK, has started verification tests of its next-generation condition-based engine monitoring system. Aim: To assist in the early detection of abnormalities...

The Merger of Two Giants Afoot – Cosco & China Shipping

The two state-owned Chinese shipping giants China Ocean Shipping Co. (Cosco) and China Shipping Group Co. are currently the world's sixth and seventh largest...

Husnu Ozyegin Buys Piraeus Port

Fiba Holding is the owner of a 65% stake for a healthy price of $940m, in Turkish container terminal Kumport and Ozyegin.  Mr Ozyegin...