ECDIS – Future of Navigation

“ECDIS - Electronic Chart Display and Information System” is one of the most pronounced words in the maritime industry in recent times.  IMO has...

Advanced Security System By SRG and IMSA

SRG Technology partnered with the International Maritime Security Associates (IMSA) has developed a first-of-its-kind Maritime Alerting Security System (MASSTM) which provides the innovative software...

Maritime Labour Conventions’ Standards Not Followed

The International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) reports that the number of vessels that failed to comply with Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) standards has increased...

Chemical Tanker Exploded During Tank Cleaning

Vessel Chemical Tanker Cargo Carried Benzene Operation Tank Cleaning A chemical tanker in ballast was en route and the crew were preparing the tanks for loading. The crew had just...

Improved Scrubber Technology – Lynx Separator

Researchers of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) have developed a technique for improving scrubber technology. Lynx Separator is a promising scrubber technology...

Oil Spill Contaminates River Rizal

Bunker oil was spilled into Teresa river on September 8th,2015 from a storage tank located at the Antipolo plant belonging to Solid Cement Corporation....

Casualties in Shipbreaking Yard Calls For Stringent Safety Measures

Inflammable, odourless gas that had leaked from a cylinder, led to serious blast when a worker lit up the fire.  All of the eight...

ReCAAP: 18% Rise In Piracy Incidents

ReCAAP, the regional watchdog for piracy and robbery at sea in Asian region, in its August incident report states: In all there were 24...

Main Engine Fuel Pump Damage – Guess Why?

BACKGROUND A Vessel technically managed by a very large Ship Management company visited Houston and found that all fuel pumps had suffered damage.  The lab...

[Watch] Ariel view of Panama Agua Clara Locks The Pacific Canal Expansion is very close to completion.  The three dams near the Cocoli  locks were completed in the month of August.  These...