How To Minimize The Risks Of An Electrical Shock onboard?


If you’re aboard a huge metal vessel with electricity running through almost every wall and floor while in the middle of a vast ocean, there’s bound to be some concerns about electrical safety. Electrical shock is one of the most common causes of work-related injuries and fatalities in the maritime industry. It’s must for all workers on a ship to understand and practice electrical safety.

Steps to minimise the risk of electrical shock

  1. Check all electrical motors, wiring, and switches, for abnormal sounds, variation in temperatures, and loose connections.
  2. Ensure that all electrical connections are inside the panel box so that no one can touch them accidentally.
  3. In the accommodation area multiple socket plugs shouldn’t be used.
  4. Turn off the breaker before starting any work on an electrical system.
  5. Use ply card and notice board as much as possible to inform others about the ongoing work to avoid accidental starts.
  6. Double check the electrical tools like portable drills for any loose wires before attempting any job.
  7. Always wear protective clothing, rubber gloves, rubber knee pads and safety shoes to avoid the risk of shock.
  8. Use electrically insulated handle tools for working or checking the electrical system.
  9. Before working, remove the jewellery wrist band and other conductive items.
  10. When working or removing multiple wires, tape off all but the one wire you are working on.
  11. Try as much as possible not to work on a live system and even if you do so by a professional and work carefully with full concentration.
  12. During working in a group or pair, organise a toolbox meeting and discuss the procedure, risk and hazards of the job at hand.
  13. If you don’t know about the system, ask for assistance. Don’t work without knowing it.
  14. Always think about your own safety and the safety of fellow persons while carrying out any electrical work.

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Source: marineinsight