Hyundai Filterless Ballast System Gets USCG Approval


The US Coast Guard Marine Safety Center has issued the 45th Ballast Water Management System Type Approval Certificate to Hyundai Heavy Industries, says an article published in ShipInsight.

45th BWMS Type Approval

The US Coast Guard Marine Safety Center has issued the 45th Ballast Water Management System Type Approval Certificate to Hyundai Heavy Industries after a detailed review of the manufacturer’s type approval application determined the system met the requirements of 46 CFR 162.060.

Principle of HiBallast NF BWMS

The treatment principle of the HiBallast NF BWMS consists of electrolysis treatment during uptake and neutralisation at discharge. This approval covers models with maximum treatment rated capacities between 75 m3/h and 10,000 m3/h.

Saves cost and space

The system is an adaptation of the original HiBallast system with the NF suffix denoting this model has no filter. Hyundai says this saves space and cost and eliminates problems associated with filter clogging and the need for back flushing.

A further three systems from different makers are currently awaiting approval from USCG and four other systems already type-approved have amendments to approval pending.

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Source: ShipInsight