Hyundai Heavy Industries Develops High Flame-Retarding Insulation For LPG Cargo Tank



Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI), the world’s biggest shipbuilder, announced today it developed the world’s first flame-retarding insulation for LPG cargo tank in cooperation with insulation system manufacturers.

Polyurethane foam, the current and the most commonly used insulation material for LPG cargo tank, is vulnerable to fire spread once it is exposed to a fire source.  Therefore, in shipyards where welding cut is an essential part of shipbuilding work, there is a high chance of a fire outbreak that might result in serious accidents and delay in the shipbuilding process.

To alleviate the chronic risk factors in building LPG carriers, HHI established the world’s first safety standards for the insulation material, namely “Fire Safety Evaluation Techniques” and “Standards for Flame Retardancy.”  Insulation system manufacturers joined forces to optimize insulation spray system and revise the formulation of polyurethane to make it more flame resistant.

The high flame-retarding insulation does not trigger fire spread even when it is in contact with fire sources.  When the insulation catches fire it goes out within four minutes thanks to its self-extinguishability while at the same time drastically reducing smoke.

Mr. Shin Hyun-soo, CTO of HHI said, “During the 14-month development period, we came to a belief that  the high flame-retarding insulation for LPG cargo tanks will play a key role not only in enhancing the safety of workers in the shipyards, but also in sharpening our competitiveness in winning LPG carrier orders.”

Source: Hyundai Heavy Industries