Hyundai’s Cost Saving FPSO Designs Gets DNV GL Approval


In a recent development, Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) has announced that they have received the approval in principle (AIP) for three types of standard mid-sized floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) designs from Norwegian ship classification organisation DNV GL, says an article published in Ship Technology.

What is it?

Hi-PROS is the model name of the standard FPSOs. PROS stands for ‘Proven, Ready-made, Optimised and Schedule-Driven’.

How was it done?

DNV GL Maritime Japan and Korea regional manager Vidar Dolonen awarded the certificates to the HHI offshore plant business COO Jun Sung Park.

  • HHI developed the FSPOs as the topside and hull-integrated models.
  • Two of them are mid-sized oil FPSOs and have a capacity of 1.0 million barrels (MMbbls) to 1.5MMbbls.
  • The third unit is a gas FSPO that has a topside gas processing capacity of 840 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD).

Meeting Market Demands

The company constructed the oil FSPOs in line with the existing trends and conditions in the market. The gas FSPO will meet the demands of the Indonesian and Australian markets in the future.

Initial Stage FEED Design Made

HHI developed the FPSOs only up to the initial stage of FEED, including the basic dimensions such as the hull size and topside layout.

Reducing 30% Cost

The company noted that it will reduce the required design period by leveraging its in-house engineering database after receiving the order.

Implementing engineering and design process will cut the production cost by approximately 30%.

DNV GL Hull Maintenance

In August, DNV GL secured a contract to install its hull maintenance system on Saipem’s vessels. The ShipManager Hull system will be integrated on five of the Saipem ships.

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Source: Ship Technology